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Renewables On The Rise Dashboard

Clean energy

Renewables On The Rise Dashboard

America produces more than three times as much power from the sun, the wind and the earth as we did in 2013, with growth in all 50 states. Key technologies such as electric vehicles and battery storage are also booming - helping to repower America with clean energy.

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Did you know?
From 2020 to 2021, sales of electric vehicles increased by 85%.

The Latest
Teach them how to say goodbye: Closing the door on the era of gasoline-powered cars

Electric vehicles

Teach them how to say goodbye: Closing the door on the era of gasoline-powered cars

Saying goodbye to old technologies and ways of doing things is something we are going to need to practice over and over again in the coming decades as we address the climate crisis. To evoke the musical Hamilton, Massachusetts and California now stand ready to “teach us how to say goodbye” to the internal combustion engine - a technology that has become familiar, but is no longer compatible with a livable future.

The Hummer EV: Titanic achievement or disaster in the making?

Electric vehicles

The Hummer EV: Titanic achievement or disaster in the making?

“Electrifying everything” at the same time that “everything” is getting bigger, heavier, more energy intensive and more wasteful is a recipe for endless technological tail-chasing. It makes the job of decarbonizing the economy that much harder.

Dead tech walking: Giving the boot to internal combustion

Electric vehicles

Dead tech walking: Giving the boot to internal combustion

Like incandescent light bulbs and the coal-fired power plants, the internal combustion engines that power our cars and trucks are woefully inefficient - and major sources of pollution. What would it take to bring the era fossil fuel-powered transportation to an end? 

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Associate Director and Senior Policy Analyst, Frontier Group