
Diva Amon and Craig Smith, ABYSSLINE Project, University of Hawaii | Used by permission


We don’t need deep-sea mining

Deep-sea mining risks damaging vibrant ecosystems that science is just beginning to understand. And we don’t need it to meet the critical minerals challenge.


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Accidents Waiting to Happen
The Freedom Industries plant in West Virginia, site of a major 2014 chemical spill into the Elk River

Clean water

Accidents Waiting to Happen

Across America, thousands of facilities that store or move oil, toxic chemicals or coal ash are located near waterways. These facilities are accidents waiting to happen.


Accidents Waiting to Happen: Oil Pipelines
Cleanup workers attempt to contain crude oil from a pipeline spill in Smackover, Ark. Approximately 2,500 barrels of oil were spilled, with oil from the spill reaching Holmes Creek and Smackover Creek.

Clean water

Accidents Waiting to Happen: Oil Pipelines

Pipelines transport billions of barrels of oil across the U.S. each year, frequently passing over or near waterways. Since 2004, pipeline spills have released more than 750,000 barrels of oil into the environment.


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