Biking, walking & transit

The Latest on Biking, walking & transit
Less driving is possible
An extended bus drives on an empty freeway near a bay on a sunny day.

Biking, walking & transit

Less driving is possible

Residents of several states and cities have driven fewer miles on average in recent years than they did two decades ago. This decline suggests that Americans’ high levels of driving are not inevitable.


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Did You Know?
In 2021, nearly 7,500 pedestrians died in traffic crashes -- the most in 40 years.

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Infrastructure is coming! Let’s get it right.

Highways & infrastructure

Infrastructure is coming! Let’s get it right.

If America's infrastructure conversation can turn to the question of what projects are actually necessary to solve our most pressing challenges, then there is an opportunity to carry out a plan that will leave the country better off both now and in the long run. 

Hope is a thing with wheels: Bicycling toward a better future post-COVID

Good news

Hope is a thing with wheels: Bicycling toward a better future post-COVID

Bicycling is a reminder that a different world is possible – a world where people move a bit slower but more joyfully; where our neighborhoods are transformed from places to get through as quickly as possible to sites of exploration, wonder and genuine community; and where the pollution and noise of cars and trucks is seen for what it is: optional, and not an unalterable fact of life.

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Associate Director and Senior Policy Analyst, Frontier Group