Biking, walking & transit

The Latest on Biking, walking & transit
Less driving is possible
An extended bus drives on an empty freeway near a bay on a sunny day.

Biking, walking & transit

Less driving is possible

Residents of several states and cities have driven fewer miles on average in recent years than they did two decades ago. This decline suggests that Americans’ high levels of driving are not inevitable.


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Did You Know?
In 2021, nearly 7,500 pedestrians died in traffic crashes -- the most in 40 years.

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America on pause: Vehicle travel during COVID-19 and what comes next

Highways & infrastructure

America on pause: Vehicle travel during COVID-19 and what comes next

As the pandemic continues, and especially as it winds down, it will be critical for policy-makers to keep their eyes open to changes happening on the ground and to look for opportunities to ensure that our emerging “new normal” brings a transportation system that is better, cleaner and healthier than the deeply flawed "old normal" now receding into the rearview mirror.  

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Associate Director and Senior Policy Analyst, Frontier Group