
Land Not Needed: Why we should go big on rooftop solar

Solar power

Land Not Needed: Why we should go big on rooftop solar

In the debate about how much rooftop solar owners should be paid for the electricity they generate, some of the most important benefits usually get left out. From helping to protect land and fragile ecosystems to conserving water, and from improving local resilience against outages to accelerating the decarbonization of our energy sector, rooftop solar is a crucial tool for mitigating and adapting to global warming.


Offshore wind: An abundant source of renewable energy for America

Wind power

Offshore wind: An abundant source of renewable energy for America

Every coastal region in the U.S. has abundant offshore wind resources. The technology is proven and in widespread use around the world. And many states are poised to take advantage of their potential. Offshore wind will be a crucial piece of a future powered by 100% renewable energy.


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