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Today, just nine U.S. cities have more installed solar power than the entire country had a decade ago.

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Shining Rewards: Rooftop solar is worth it.

Solar power

Shining Rewards: Rooftop solar is worth it.

The vast majority of the 16 recent solar cost-benefit analyses we reviewed for Shining Rewards found that, even with full retail net metering, solar owners provide a net benefit to the grid. And the analyses finding otherwise were largely commissioned by utilities.

New Report: Blocking the Sun

Solar power

New Report: Blocking the Sun

The battle over solar energy could use some sunlight. That’s why we just released Blocking the Sun, a new report that pulls back the veil on 12 utilities and fossil fuel groups that are working to undermine American solar energy. 

Shining Cities: Strong Policies Help Cities Invest in a Solar Future

Solar power

Shining Cities: Strong Policies Help Cities Invest in a Solar Future

Which U.S. cities are leading the charge toward a solar-powered future? Our new report, Shining Cities: Harnessing the Benefits of Solar Energy in America, ranks U.S. cities for thier installed solar PV capacity and discusses the innovative policies that are moving cities up in the rankings.

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