Tax & budget

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Shifting Gears

Highways & infrastructure

Shifting Gears

The U.S. system of transportation finance, designed a century ago with the sole purpose of funding the construction of the nation’s highways, is today a major obstacle to a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable transportation system. Addressing the challenges of the 21st century will require a new paradigm for transportation finance – one that charges transportation taxes and fees that reflect the full costs of our transportation choices, and prioritizes projects that deliver the greatest societal benefits.


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New Report: Following the Money

Tax & budget

New Report: Following the Money

The ability to see how the government uses the public purse is fundamental to democracy - it allows citizens to monitor spending and hold elected officials accountable. Over the past five years, at least 32 states have mandated the creation of online databases that contain “checkbook-level” information on government expenditures, allowing citizens to monitor government spending in a way unheard of just a short time ago.

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