Moving Beyond FracFocus: Bringing Real Transparency to Fracking

Moving Beyond FracFocus: Bringing Real Transparency to Fracking

Since its launch in 2011, FracFocus, a government- and industry-funded website, has been the only place where Americans could learn the details about chemicals and water used in fracking operations near their homes, schools and businesses. But FracFocus has never lived up to its promise of bringing true transparency to fracking. And now, at least one state is planning to set its own course for fracking disclosure.

More Thoughts on Boston Transit

More Thoughts on Boston Transit

Rising demand on the system is the flip side of “lack of investment” in understanding this winter’s MBTApocalypse.

2012 Year-End Wrap Up


2012 Year-End Wrap Up

In 2012, Frontier Group helped citizens and decision-makers react to rapidly shifting circumstances. Our work this year put us at the cutting edge of debates that will shape America’s future.

Frontier Group Spring 2012 Update


Frontier Group Spring 2012 Update

We’re seeing change happening across a swath of issues we’re working on, with major implications for the future. This spring we’ve been working to document emerging trends and unpack their meaning to help set a course forward in a world that is going to look very different, sooner than we might think.


Americans Are Driving Less. Washington Should Pay Attention.

Americans Are Driving Less. Washington Should Pay Attention.

The main question shouldn't be whether we spend too much or too little on those programs. Instead, we should ask why we continue to spend vast sums on building new highway capacity - especially when there are far more productive ways to invest that money.

The Leading Edge of Environmental Transparency

The Leading Edge of Environmental Transparency

There seems to have been a sea change in EPA’s attitude toward environmental information: one that now prioritizes getting data out to the public as quickly as possible and providing multiple tools to help users take advantage of that information. There are still too many gaps in information and too many places where the system falls down, but things are on the upswing.