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November Newsletter: Cleaner, quieter lawn care

July Newsletter: Safe for Swimming?
Looking back at 2024, and ahead to 2025
How much does American driving contribute to global climate pollution?
Frontier Group at 25: 10 blog posts that challenged us to think differently
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May newsletter: America’s top climate polluters

March newsletter: Saving energy … and bees

Looking back at 2022, with hope for the year ahead

November newsletter: Protecting the land, air and water
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Frontier Group at 25: Charts that changed the conversation
A look back at some of our favorite charts, maps and graphics from the last 25 years, and the role they played in the environmental policy conversation.
Frontier Group at 25: A clean energy future
Fifteen years ago, a clean energy revolution was just starting to take shape. Frontier Group research helped the public and decision-makers to understand the possibilities, and embrace the promise of a future built on renewable energy.

Frontier Group at 25: Defending consumers in the financial marketplace
A look back at Frontier Group's research on consumer complaints about predatory banks, lenders and other financial companies, and our work defending the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from attempts to weaken or dismantle it.
Frontier Group at 25: Highway Boondoggles
Frontier Group at 25: A Million Solar Roofs
In the winter of 2000-2001, millions of California homes went dark as manipulation of California’s deregulated electricity market created rolling blackouts and bankrupted a utility. It also set the stage for a clean energy revolution in California.