Accidents Waiting to Happen: Factory Farms
Waste lagoons used by industrial-scale livestock operations threaten spills that can cause catastrophic damage to America’s rivers, lakes and streams.
Waste lagoons used by industrial-scale livestock operations threaten spills that can cause catastrophic damage to America’s rivers, lakes and streams.
Here are 10 examples of how our advocates won positive results for the public and the planet in 2023.
The Atlantic hurricane season lasts from June 1 through November 30. This resource guide can help members of the media cover it more thoroughly and accurately.
New methods for testing the toxicity of chemicals could eventually provide better information about how chemicals affect human health, and might also reduce costs, speed up the testing process, and reduce animal suffering and death.
The federal infrastructure bill passed by Congress in November includes funding to replace some of the lead service lines that contaminate the drinking water to millions of homes. Here's a look at what a recent partial water service line replacement entailed.
What does abandoned mine land have to offer for conservation, waste reduction and renewable energy? Lots.
Associate Director and Senior Policy Analyst, Frontier Group