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Automatic Textbook Billing
A young woman sits on the floor with her head in her hands and a pile of bills in front of her.

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Automatic Textbook Billing

Savings from automatic textbook billing, in which students are charged for course materials on their tuition bills, are difficult to quantify. In addition, these programs may limit the use of less expensive alternatives.

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New study highlights the trouble with auto loans
Cars in a parking lot

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New study highlights the trouble with auto loans

Consumer Reports' new analysis of over 800,000 auto loans might make you rethink getting a car loan through a dealership. And it should make us all ask: is a transportation system that requires people take on so much debt really that functional?

Your Phone Isn’t Listening to You. It’s Just Tracking Your Every Move.

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Your Phone Isn’t Listening to You. It’s Just Tracking Your Every Move.

With our phones constantly at our sides, feeding us ads that seem a bit too on the nose, many can’t help but wonder if our phones are eavesdropping on us. While there's no easy answer, the evidence points to no. However, there's a far more sinister reason why tech companies choose not to listen to our conversations: they already have all the information about us they could ever need.

How to explore consumer problems in the financial marketplace using the CFPB’s Consumer Complaint Database

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How to explore consumer problems in the financial marketplace using the CFPB’s Consumer Complaint Database

The information in the CFPB's Consumer Complaint Database is a treasure trove of information about consumer experiences in the financial marketplace. But the database can present challenges for new users. Here's some information and tips for getting the most out of the database, and a new tool for downloading data.

CFPB data shows consumers are “struggling to pay” during the pandemic

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CFPB data shows consumers are “struggling to pay” during the pandemic

While it’s no secret that many consumers are facing financial distress during COVID-19, data from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau can shed some light on just which financial issues consumers have been most affected by, and what kinds of help they need to get through the coming months.

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