Preserving America’s Natural Heritage
Lessons From States' Efforts to Fund Open Space Protection
America’s natural places represent an important part of our national heritage, but millions of acres of land have been lost in recent years to sprawling development. State programs to buy up or otherwise protect open space are a critical bulwark against the loss of important natural areas, but many such programs are underfunded. Preserving America’s Natural Heritage profiles programs in 15 states that purchase or protect open space and presents lessons states can use in designing effective programs.

America’s natural places represent an important part of our national heritage, but millions of acres of land have been lost in recent years to sprawling development. State programs to buy up or otherwise protect open space are a critical bulwark against the loss of important natural areas, but many such programs are underfunded. Preserving America’s Natural Heritage profiles programs in 15 states that purchase or protect open space and presents lessons states can use in designing effective programs.
Sarah Payne
Policy Analyst
Travis Madsen
Policy Analyst
Timothy Telleen-Lawton
Policy Associate