Video: Carbon-Free Transportation Webinar

In 2016, with support from the Hewlett Foundation, Frontier Group released two reports outlining the vision and policy steps to achieve a carbon-free transportation future. We held a public webinar in January 2017 discussing what comes next. Watch the video here.

Alana Miller

Policy Analyst

In 2016, with support from the Hewlett Foundation, Frontier Group released two reports outlining the vision and policy steps to achieve a carbon-free transportation future:

  • A New Way Forward shows that there are multiple paths to a clean transportation future, available to every American city.
  • 50 Steps Toward Carbon-Free Transportation outlines how current U.S. transportation policy sets us back in the fight against global warming and provides an agenda for reform.

We held a public webinar in January 2017 discussing what comes next. You can watch and share the webinar recording, below. 


Alana Miller

Policy Analyst