The United States is home to beautiful beaches and ecologically crucial coastal areas, where waters abound with marine life and one-of-akind ecosystems. The below factsheets describe two new threats that our oceans face — new offshore drilling, and the removal of federal protections — and what can be done to keep our oceans safe.
Offshore Drilling Endangers Our Marine and Coastal Areas: The United States is home to beautiful beaches and ecologically crucial coastal areas. Its waters abound with marine life and one-of-akind ecosystems. Yet, the Trump administration is considering opening more than 90 percent of the Outer Continental Shelf to offshore oil drilling – jeopardizing irreplaceable natural treasures to prolong our dependence on fossil fuels. View factsheet.
Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument: The Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument is an ecological treasure. In 2016, the Obama administration extended strong and lasting protection to the area by declaring it the first marine national monument in the U.S. Atlantic Ocean. The Trump administration, however, is threatening to remove this vital protection, putting this vital resource at risk. View factsheet.